
What are the benefits of joining MCATA?

By joining MCATA you will:

become part of a professional network of mathematics educators in Alberta;

receive reduced registration fees for conferences and mini-conferences;

regularly receive news about mathematics education activities in Alberta through the Mathematics Council Newsletter and delta-K;

provide yourself with leadership opportunities.

MCATA occasionally emails all our members.  To receive our emails, please add us to your address book so the spam filters don’t block our mass emails.  The emails will originate from

Types of Membership


Members of the ATA as specified in the ATA bylaws. All such members are entitled to full privileges of council membership including the right to vote and to hold office.

Student members of the ATA may join this council and are entitled to all benefits except the right to hold office.

Persons who are not ATA members as specified in the ATA bylaws. Such members receive all benefits and services of council membership except the right to vote and to hold office.

Institutions and businesses are eligible for subscription membership. Such members receive all the benefits and services of council membership except the right to vote and hold office.

No-Cost MCATA Membership

Every teacher in Alberta is eligible for membership in one specialist council at no-cost. Activating this membership benefits the specialist council in the form of funding from the ATA.

Membership Application