Delta-K,  Volume 56, Issue 1

From the Editor’s Desk

Dear Math Teachers,

You are appreciated! I want you to read it and feel it, because it is true. I debated on what to write about in this editorial. Do I talk about the hurdles, the challenges and the losses we’ve experienced, or do I talk about what’s really on my heart these days? The heart won hands down.

Each one of you reading this are important to so many people. You are needed and valued. You have a circle of belonging travelling around you, whether it be family, students, parents, colleagues or friends. You are still a part of all these lives. It may look different and feel even more different, but teachers are a part of something much bigger. We always talk about the impact you can have on your students and families, but it has been made very clear now that you are needed. I have seen so many teachers collectively rise to what is in front of them. As I teach preservice teachers, what stands out to me is that many of them are entering the profession to have an impact on students. In fact, many of them have been significantly impacted by a past teacher. Well we now have a real situation where that impact can truly be a light shining forth. It’s a real thing to be managing the demands of teaching in this time.

How can we measure the ripples of effect we have on others? How can we sense that our seemingly small action contributes to and makes a difference to those around us, including, of course, our students? How do we consider the implications of our care and attention toward the lives of students, even on a daily basis?

I just can’t not mention this (sorry logic people). We as a math council have heard about so many encouraging, brave, impactful, caring, helpful and thoughtful teachers. Thank you. The ripples in your circle are surrounding you and reaching out. We want you to know we are thankful for you!

Lorelei Boschman