Newsletter,  Volume 39, Number 1

President’s Message

Welcome back to another exciting year in the best profession ever! As we enter a very uncertain year, I want to assure you that the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (MCATA) is working diligently on creating ways to support you during these times.

We will continue to send out an e-mail every Monday to provide you with information on a weekly basis. (Watch for some amazing math problems coming your way!)

Make sure to mark October 23 and 24 on your calendar. MCATA will be hosting our first virtual conference. Our keynote speakers are Jon Orr and Kyle Pearce, two amazing mathematics teachers from Ontario. Be prepared to be engaged!

I will leave you with a fun problem I found over the summer and have been playing with:

The first five numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, . . . . The first five perfect squares are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, . . . . At this point, the last number in the Fibonacci sequence is much lower than the last number in the perfect square sequence. Will the Fibonacci sequence ever catch up? Will it ever become larger than the perfect square sequence? What other two sequences would be interesting to explore?

Have an amazing start to the school year, wash your hands, and stay safe. Please contact me at with any questions, concerns or interesting math problems you may have.

Dave Martin