Delta-K,  From Your Council,  Volume 45, Issue 2

From the President’s Pen

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 45 Issue 2, June 2008


From the President’s Pen

Sharon Gach

Another school year completed; where do they go? Whether this was your first year, your last year or somewhere in between, I hope that it brought you something new and exciting. One of my students asked me how I could keep teaching the same thing year in and year out. I told her that in 25 years of teaching high school mathematics, I have yet to teach the same thing two years in a row. Every year, our students change and our methodology changes. Whether it is new curriculum, new courses, new grade levels, new schools or just a new question that leads us in a new direction, we are always evolving. Often the newest trend in education is an old favorite with a new label that rejuvenates it and reminds us of things we haven’t done in awhile.